During the first week of class, instructors will distribute a syllabus in each course they teach. Although modifications may be made throughout the semester, this document should contain the following essential information (as applicable to the discipline):
__. Course information: title, number, credits, prerequisites, location, meeting time, etc.
__. Instructor information (including teaching assistant, if applicable): name, title, office location, office hours, telephone number, email address.
__. Course readings and materials: course textbook, author, publisher; supplementary readings (indicate whether required or recommended); and any necessary supplies (including software, hardware, plugins, readers/players, etc.).
__. Course description: content of the course and how it fits into the broader curriculum; expected proficiencies required to undertake the course, if applicable. May include, and must be consistent with, catalog course description.
__. Course goals (more general) and student learning outcomes (provide specific examples).
__. Instructional methods: describe the teaching techniques (e.g., lecture, seminar, service learning, case study, studio instruction, private instruction, small group discussion, values clarification, games, journal writing, use of Blackboard, audio/video conferencing, etc.)
__. Course calendar: a schedule with daily or weekly major topics and assignments. You may call the outline “tentative” to allow for modifications during the semester.
__. Course policies: specify course rules, including your policies on attendance, tardiness, class participation, make-up exams, plagiarism, and academic integrity.
__. Evaluation: specify how students will be evaluated, what factors will be included, their relative value, and how they will be tabulated into grades.
__. Support Services: describe the student support services appropriate for the course. Provide contact info for students with disabilities to obtain reasonable accommodation.
Additional elements to consider for syllabi:
__. Evaluation criteria: what constitutes grades of A, B, C, etc.
__. Academic integrity: cite Student Code of Conduct; define plagiarism and penalties for committing its offense
__. Identify a thesis for the course and illustrate how assignments support the thesis.
__. Attach business card to syllabus.
__. Provide checklist for attainment of specific learning outcomes.
__. Mention expected time requirements for success in course.
__. Provide list of expectations for both students and instructor.
__. Indicate preferred method of communicating with professor.
__. Statement of the importance of the syllabus and the necessity to bring it to class (e.g., to keep track of revisions, assignments, etc.).
__. Spell out your cell phone / texting / laptop policy.
__. Thoroughly proofread your syllabus and model / pattern the type of quality work you expect from students.
__. Tie specific assignments to student learning outcomes.
__. Mention the possibility of losing financial aid in case of dropping course.
__. If you require students to attend an event outside of the course’s regularly scheduled time period (e.g., taking in a play or even taking exams in the Testing Center), you should make that very clear in your syllabus.
__. Identify availability of Learning Center, library assistance, and other student support services (with hours of operation).
__. Include syllabus as reading assignment on course schedule.
__. Post your syllabi on T or L drive (or provide Faculty Assistant with e-copy to do so).